Group looks for a home for community performances

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Published on Thu, Apr 24, 2008
Read More Arts & Entertainment


Group looks for a home for community performances

A grassroots organization in Marysville is taking steps to establish a performance venue for local artists.

Marysville Community Playhouse Association (MCPA) has been holding public meetings for several months to gather community input and support. The group welcomes new and returning participants to an open meeting Wednesday, April 30, at 7 p.m. at the Marysville Public Library, 6120 Grove Street.

The non-profit organization is also seeking volunteers for its Board of Directors, currently made up of Lisa Kee, Kelly McClain, Beckye Randall and Karen Davis.

A membership drive will begin in the next few months, and the group plans to be on hand at the city's summer festivals to provide information and recruit volunteers.

Several productions are also in the planning stages, including a summer music festival and a fall community theatre presentation.

To find out more about MCPA, plan to attend the April 30 meeting or visit the group's Web site at

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