The Whistling Gardener

by Steve Smith

Steve Smith is owner of Sunnyside Nursery in Marysville, located at 3915 Sunnyside Blvd., and a respected local expert on all things horticultural. You can reach Steve at 425-334-2002 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Checklist for August gardeners
Wed, Jul 31, 2013

Senior Daze

by Katie Bourg

About Katie: Having arrived in time for the Great (?) Depression, WWII, and all other 20th century problems, I am endowed with long and varied memories. Writing classes have long been my home away from home. Other people's stories are fascinating, and sharing is growth at its best. Hope you seniors will join me with your stories. Try it. You'll like it.

School in summer is a bad idea
Wed, Aug 14, 2013

Those three months offer valuable life lessons for both parents and children.

Secrets of the Tulalip Chefs


The award-winning chefs who design and oversee the restaurants at the Tulalip Resort Casino share their favorite recipes and tips with our readers. Although the dishes look and taste like gourmet treats, even household cooks can follow these instructions to put the wow factor back into family dinners.


Head Chef Perry Mascitti

Fresh summer corn makes this soup pop
Wed, Jul 31, 2013

Summer Corn Bisque with Fried Cilantro and Lime Chili Butter

Safety First

Peter Barrett, an Arlington police officer and co-owner of 911 Driving School in Marysville, provides tips on safe driving for all ages and all seasons. The Safety First column will appear once a month in North County Outlook.

Helping teen drivers stay safe this summer
Tue, Jun 25, 2013

A Teen Driving Contract can be a good tool for parents to educate their young drivers.


Want to write?
Columnists for NCO sought

Our columnists add interest and unique voices to North County Outlook, and we'd like to include even more information written by local experts.

Specific topics under consideration include parenting tips, how-to articles for home repairs and maintenance, financial guidance, and employment news.

If you'd like to join our publication family, send an e-mail to Beckye Randall, or phone (360) 659-1100. Writing samples are requested.

There is no paid compensation for freelance columnists, but the joy of a byline and the opportunity to share your expertise are priceless!