Between the Covers

Published on Thu, Jun 5, 2008
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Between the Covers

Story of local fishermen told in family photos

by Mary Burns

“Fishing is a tough life. Lives lost, families broken. I’ve heard fishing described as ‘months of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror.’ It is the adrenaline—intoxicating, addicting adrenaline that keeps us coming back. It’s hard to imagine the rush of being out on the ocean in weather that creates an environment trying to rip us apart.”

In one short paragraph, Paul Piercey, grandson of noted commercial fisherman Tony Martinis, captures the soul of his family’s heritage. This evocative quote is a small sampling of the rewarding history to be read in “Everett Fishermen.”

“Everett Fishermen,” written by local author RaeJean Hasenoehrl and the Everett Fisherman’s Tribute Committee, brings the memories of Everett’s fishing fleet to life. The pictorial history book, which will raise funds for a monument honoring the fishermen, explores the depths of Everett’s fishing industry, its families and its culture.

Over 200 photographs, collected from local families, are displayed in the book, with personal family histories highlighted throughout. 

RaejeanThe BookWORKS, located at 1510-3rd Street in downtown Marysville, will host an author event on Tuesday, June 10, from 5 to 7 p.m. Hasenoehrl will autograph books, discuss archiving your own photos and memories, and share insights into the writing of “Everett Fishermen.”


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