Savoyards sparkle in familiar fairy tale

Published on Thu, Mar 12, 2009 by Scott B Randall

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The Northwest Savoyards' production of "Once Upon A Mattress" opened February 27 at the Historic Everett Theatre and it is a royal delight!

Based on the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea," a traveling minstrel, played by golden-voiced William Schindler, sings the story we've known from childhood. He then offers to tell us the true story, since he was there.

The curtain unfurls to reveal the throne room, which is the setting for most of the show. The set is beautiful and seems pulled straight out of a child's imagination with its off-center corners and forced perspective. It is vibrantly yet modestly painted by local artist Joy Bezanis, accenting the show with flashes of color that pull you into the story without being distracting. The bright and fully realized costumes play brilliantly against the set, and much kudos should be awarded to the one-woman wardrobe army, Barbara Anderson.

The real color of the show comes, undoubtedly, from the female leads; Jenny Price as overbearing Queen Aggravain and EmilyRose Shotwell as the unlikely suitor, Princess Winnifred. They are both incredibly gifted, strong-voiced actresses who play a well-crafted tug of war over our clueless yet infinitely charming Prince Dauntless.

Joe Royal as Dauntless is oblivious and optimistic without ever being irritating. These three carry their scenes effortlessly and in perfect harmony, pulling the show along and keeping the audience fully engaged.

Scott Freshman shows an amazing level of skill, compassion and wit as the mute King, pantomiming all his scenes throughout the show. Watching the silent king try to explain the birds and the bees to the young prince is one of the best moments of the evening.

The show-stealer, however, came in Act II when Michael G. McFadden, as the Court Jester, performs his solo number "Soft Shoes," a loving tribute to his character's father. McFadden has a stage presence that cannot be denied as he delivers his heartfelt homage. Featuring an easily dismissed supporting character, this was the highlight of the show.

L. Sam Samano has long entertained our community as an actress in numerous shows including "Nunsense," "Rumors" and "Kiss Me Kate," and it was a joy to watch her efforts come to fruition as she tackled the role of director and choreographer in this well-executed production. She seems to have encouraged her entire cast, from the leads all the way down to the knights and ladies-in-waiting, to have fun and create individual characters, thus adding an extra layer of fun and attachment to the story. "Mattress" is a fine example of her immense talent, and the theatre-going community should look forward to her future projects.

"Once Upon a Mattress" plays through March 15, with Friday and Saturday shows at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 2:30 p.m., at the Historic Everett Theatre, located at 2911 Colby in downtown Everett. For tickets, phone (425) 258-6766 or visit
