British farce opens in Stanwood

Published on Wed, May 6, 2009 by Beckye Randall

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John Smith is a busy London taxi driver, but his hectic life is a result of circumstances other than his profession. Since Smith enjoys an irregular work schedule, he has also indulged in an irregular home life-actually two home lives, with two different wives in the bustling city.

This double life is the premise of the British farce "Run For Your Wife," produced by the Stanwood-area Camwood Players. The show opens Friday, May 8, at the Stillaguamish Grange Hall and runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through May.

Veteran local actor Gregg Hays carries the lead role in the madcap comedy, with Patti Sands and Julie Sterling as his two wives. Other cast members include George Carter, Justin Gau, Brett Stockwell and Scott B. Randall.

The show is co-directed by Carter and Randall, with a script by Ray Cooney.

The Stillaguamish Grange is located at the Stanwood-Camano Fairgrounds, 6521 Pioneer Hwy. Tickets to evening performances are $12 each. A special Mother's Day English Tea will accompany the performance on its only Sunday matinee date, May 10 at 3 p.m., at $15 per person.

The community theater company also offers two dinner theater performances, on May 16 and 30 beginning at 7 p.m. Enjoy dinner and a show for the price of $25 per person.

Tickets are available at Snow Goose Bookstore in Stanwood, or by phone at (360) 629-4494. For more information, visit
