Local rockers ready to break loose

Published on Tue, Jan 12, 2010 by Beckye Randall

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(From left) Jeff Brushert, Jason Molstad and Smiley make up the local "high intensity" rock band FTWLOY.

Jason Molstad has lived in Arlington all his young life. He was exposed to music early, with his mom playing piano and his father wielding a mean accordion in his home.

In middle school, he was invited to pick an instrument to study, and he chose the guitar. The rest, as they say, is history.

These days, Molstad is adding his hot guitar licks and powerful vocals to a local trio that call themselves FTWLOY. The family-friendly translation of the band's name is "Forget the Whole Lot of You."

Jeff Brushert, who also graduated from Arlington High School, is the band's drummer. Smiley (that's it, just Smiley), an "old punk rocker," handles bass and backup vocals. They describe their music as high-intensity heavy metal rock 'n roll with an emphasis on original songs.

Even though Molstad and Brushert both lived in Arlington for years, they only met about two years ago. Both had been in other bands in the area, and were frustrated with the lack of creative freedom they felt in those groups. The two men immediately clicked, and the first time they got together to jam, the results were "awesome."

"It was like we had known each all our lives," said Brushert. "The vibe was definitely there."

Smiley wandered into the eclectic Mirkwood & Shire Café one evening, fresh from a move from Florida, and asked if anyone needed a bass player. Word got back to Brushert and Molstad, and the band came together.

Rather than focusing on public performances, the members of FTWLOY have spent time writing music and perfecting their sound this past year. The few shows they did play, at the Mirkwood in Arlington and the Lincoln Theatre in Mt. Vernon, drew great reviews and a growing following.

The band has a show planned at the Mirkwood & Shire Café, located at 117 E. Division St. in downtown Arlington, on Saturday, January 23. They'll share the stage with bands Monkeys with Cleavers, Witness the Massacre, and Mourning Sixx. Music begins at 7 p.m. at the full-service vegetarian restaurant and bar.

The guys are also planning a tour this summer. "We've got contacts up and down both coasts," said Smiley.

Brushert, who is married and the father of a 2-year-old son, has played drums since he was five years old. "This is the only band I've ever been happy with," he said with a grin.

He is also the product of a musical family. His dad played piano and organ and his mother was a singer when Brushert was a child, and the young man is a "huge" Johnny Cash fan.

"We appreciate all kinds of music, not just rock and roll or heavy metal," he said. "We don't like to label our music at all because we don't want to be pigeonholed. But it's definitely high energy."

"I took music lessons once, too," Smiley offered with a sly grin. The elder of the group, he also seems like the most playful member of the trio. When asked about his personal status, he replied casually, "I'm mostly unattached, depending on where we are."

To hear samples of FTWLOY's music, visit www.myspace.com/ftwloymusic. For the full music schedule and more information about the Mirkwood and Shire Café, check out www.mirkwoodshirecafe.com.

"Sometimes you just have to let the music go," said Molstad, "and let it take you along. If it flows, it flows."
