Independent bookstore to close its doors

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Published on Wed, Mar 10, 2010 by V. Nicole Aceto

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In 1998, after working full time for over 30 years, going to school to obtain a degree, and raising two daughters on her own, Mary Burns decided it was time to do for herself a bit. She retired from a steady job that allowed her to comfortably pay her bills, packed up her office, and purchased a small bookstore in Marysville.

When you entered beneath The BookWorks sign, with its giant green bookworm, you became a part of that dream of the American entrepreneur. Even while browsing through the aisles of newly printed books, you could feel the pages of that dream coming alive.

There were never piles stacked twenty-high of New York Times bestsellers at 20 percent off, no pimply-faced teenagers who have never willingly been exposed to John Steinbeck and Tom Robbins, Shel Silverstein and Shakespeare.

What shoppers have found is that the proprietor of this small and tidy bookstore remembers not only your name, but what you enjoy reading. She knows what your grandkids, nieces, and nephews will like best. Mary knows because this is her dream--bringing knowledge and written entertainment to the community.

Flash forward to March, 2010.

As Mary Burns prepares the store for its final chapter, posting "sale" signs, and packing memories, she looks back at over a decade of hope, found within those magical brick walls. The BookWorks will close at the end of March.

Readers and loyal customers are invited to stop by to say goodbye to what became a landmark on Third Street. Not just the green bookworm above the door, but the American Girl and Harry Potter release parties, local artists' receptions, author events, even psychic fairs.

The closing of The BookWorks was not real for me until my mother posted her liquidation sale. She has said, "I've never had a sale, as I've never felt you should cheapen a book by offering it for less than it's worth. The contents of a good book are worth more than the sum of its pages."

Through the end of the month, Mary will be offering her current stock of books at 40 percent off publisher prices. Fixtures and equipment are also for sale.

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