Half-price tickets for "Enchanted April"

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Published on Wed, Apr 21, 2010 by Beckye Randall

Read More Arts & Entertainment

Enchanted AprilCommunity theater productions are always a risk for the producing company. Most of the costs of the show must be shouldered long before the first ticket is sold, and many factors of attendance are beyond the company's control.

The rainy northwest skies may turn to sun, urging residents to take advantage of the rays. A favorite sports team can earn a playoff berth. Hollywood may release a blockbuster 3-D movie.

And with less discretionary income these days, many families are simply cutting back on entertainment expenses.

The cast and crew of Adagio Players' current show, "Enchanted April," are feeling the effects of reduced audiences. The management of the Historic Everett Theatre, which hosts the play through April 25, threatened to cancel the final weekend of performances because of slow ticket sales. The theatre's rental contract with the production company is based on a percentage of those sales.

Producer Lisa Goshorn convinced the theatre board to try a 2-for-1 ticket offer instead, hoping to spur attendance through reduced admission.

"Enchanted April" is a Tony Award-nominated play by Matthew Barber that tells the story of two British housewives who decide to escape the dismal weather and their equally dismal marriages by renting a villa in Italy for a month. Two other women join them in their voyage of discovery, and several men move in and out of their lives with comedic yet touching results.

Theresa Goffredo of The Herald offered a personal recommendation of the show in her April 16 review. "I promise you this sunny comedic drama will give you that warm-all-over feeling," she wrote.

So grab a friend and go see a show. Live theatre is an experience unlike any other, and for under $10 each, it's a bargain to boot.

Curtain is 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, April 23 and 24, and 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 25. The half-price tickets are only available at the theatre's box office. Phone (425) 258-6766 for details.

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