Event turns barn into art gallery

Published on Wed, Jun 23, 2010 by Beckye Randall

Read More Arts & Entertainment

The Arlington Arts Council's sixth annual Art in the Barn show and sale will be held Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27, at a picturesque family farm in Oso, located at 20412 SR 530 NE. The event is open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. both days.

With about 30 AAC members and friends, the art show includes a range of media from paintings and photography to wire sculpture and pottery.

Art in the Barn was founded inside the hay barn located just a mile from Oso on SR 530, about 12 miles from Arlington. Unfortunately, the barn collapsed under the weight of winter snow in 2009.

Monica Yantis, a former secretary for the AAC, determined that the show must go on, so last year the art show was held on the cement floor of her family's barn and in the yard around the barn.

"It turned out beautifully," said arts council president Sarah Arney. "It didn't hurt that the weekend was bright and sunny last year. We're hoping for another sunny weekend at the farm this year."

The Arlington Arts Council was established in 2004 with the mission to bring art to Arlington. The group of about 50 members raises funds to acquire public art in Arlington and has purchased several sculptures and murals around historic downtown Arlington, original art banners for light poles, and helped the city develop a labyrinth along the Centennial Trail.

This year, the AAC is raising money and designing a gateway sign to be located at the historic entrance into town at Island Crossing.

For information about the Arlington Arts Council's programs and events, call (360) 435-3778 or see the Web site at arlingtonartscouncil.net.
