Dreams of a 'White Christmas' shine brightly at AHS

Published on Tue, Nov 30, 2010 by Beckye Randall

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Producing a Broadway-style musical challenges even professional theatre companies, so when a high school department takes on a show the size of "Irving Berlin's White Christmas," it takes heroic efforts by all to pull it off.

Arlington High School's drama department presents five performances of Irving Berlin's timeless musical "White Christmas" during the first two weekends in December. The onstage cast of 43 is complemented by 25 or so students working backstage, plus a number of adults in support positions.

The show is directed by Arlington High School drama teacher Scott Moberly, choreographed by Arlington School of Dance owner Becky Oesch, with musical direction provided by Haller Middle School teacher Jeff Swanson.

Moberly is known for choosing plays that contain life lessons for his students, and the holiday show fulfills that criterion as well.

"When I was re-reading the libretto, I stared at the words of 'Count your Blessings'," said Moberly. "Having heard the song often as a child, I knew the sweet melody and began to hum. It was during this humming that I realized the power of the song's simple message. Peace of mind will always be ours if we remember that all we truly need is already at our disposal."

Originally produced as a Hollywood movie starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney and later adapted for Broadway, "White Christmas" tells the story of two showbiz friends helping a buddy who's down on his luck by putting together a variety show in a picturesque Vermont inn. Jordan Tanguay and Nathan Braaten take on the roles of Phil and Bob, with Caroline Rensel and Kelsey Ghirardo as the sister act of Judy and Betty Haynes.

While the students were hard at work at the first technical rehearsal the weekend before opening, many of their parents and faculty members were dressing the Byrnes Performing Arts Center in holiday finery. Festive ribbons, lights, evergreen boughs and ornaments will set the mood even before the audience steps into the comfortable seating area.

"As the holiday season descends, I find I truly need very little," mused Moberly. "I'm already incredibly blessed by a great community, incredible students and colleagues who care about these fabulous young people who enrich my life daily."

White Christmas will be performed at 7 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, Dec. 3, 4, 10, and 11 at the Byrnes Performing Arts Center, 18821 Crown Ridge Blvd, Arlington. A matinee is scheduled for 1 p.m. on December 11. Tickets are $9 for seniors and students, and $12 for adults. Reserved seating tickets may be purchased in advance online at www.byrnesperformingarts.org or at the door 45 minutes before show time.
