Local talent at Skagit Tulip Fest

Published on Tue, Mar 22, 2011 by Sarah Arney

Read More Arts & Entertainment

Several north Snohomish County artists contribute their talent to a fine little art show every year at the Rexville Grange in Skagit County for its tulip festival. This year's show takes place April 1 through 17.

From the Seven Lakes area of Stanwood, Marguerite Goff is the prime mover of the event. Most recently, Goff frosted the new Welcome to Arlington sign with her ceramic salmon, which also appear on the outside of Arlington City Hall. The show includes her longtime friends and many new talented artists as well.

Nancy Dean shows wool hats decorated with mini embroidered masterpieces of birds. From Everett, Janet Hamilton's pastel paintings depict the Northwest world and beyond, and Arlington's Lucinda Van Valkenburg presents handmade bowls, garden tools and toy tops crafted from wood. Pam and Lisa Summers of Kackman Road show a unique assortment of jewelry featuring their own glass beads and sculpted liquid silver.

Strategically located at the southern edge of the Skagit Valley tulip fields, Art at the Rexville Grange at 19299 Rexville Grange Road is a hidden gem of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, featuring 28 artists. On opening night, an artist reception features traditional music of Ireland and Scotland by Campbell Road and lots of tasty hors d'oeuvres provided by the artists.

How to go

From I-5 take exit 221 over Conway bridge, follow Fir Island Road about five miles over next Skagit River Bridge, turn right on Summers Drive at Rexville Grocery and proceed about one block. The show is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily April 1-17.

For information call Marguerite Goff 360-474-9454 or Debbie Aldrich 360-708-3978.
