Art gallery events in Arlington

Published on Tue, Jul 12, 2011 by Beckye Randall

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Fogdog Gallery is the newest addition to Arlington's vibrant art scene, located in the heart of downtown at 318 North Olympic Avenue. Claire Cundiff, the gallery's owner and artist in her own right, is already busy planning special events and community opportunities at the gallery, which shares space with Petite Sweet Bakery.

Cundiff invites artists of all levels to bring their art supplies to the gallery and join in Arlington's first SketchCrawl on Saturday, July 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Founded by Enrico Casarosa, the idea of SketchCrawl is that of a global drawing marathon: taking a day to journal and draw all that is around you. There is no cost, no age limit, no requirements for materials used, no expected skill level and, according to Cundiff, "no reason not to participate with artists from around the world on a day of sketching."

Simply visit Fogdog Gallery the morning of July 23 to register, then go out and sketch. When done, bring your art back to the gallery where, if you wish, it can be scanned and posted on the worldwide SketchCrawl site to share with artists from around the world.

The gallery's first Fogdog Friday features Arlington photographer Katrina Dartnell-Lane. The special event, set for Friday, July 29, from 6 to 8 p.m. will continue through the month of August.

A photographer of extraordinary strength and clarity, Dartnell-Lane will exhibit the Marble Series, her latest collection.

"The Marble Series is an exploration of taking a childhood toy beyond its physical self," explained the artist. "Although the main subject is identifiable, it is placed outside of its original intended use and offers an opportunity to explore and envision worlds unknown."

Fogdog Gallery offers monotypes, acrylic and pastel paintings, mixed media works, fine glass art, unique handmade jewelry, drift wood art, photography and even bedspring chandeliers. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with extended hours available by appointment.

For additional information, visit
