Acting classes for the body and mind

Published on Tue, Sep 6, 2011 by Beckye Randall

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Students usually enroll in Red Curtain's adult acting classes to become stronger on stage and perform better in auditions. But they are often pleasantly surprised about the side effects of their training.

"I've always worked backstage, and I had terrible stage fright," said Courtney Calkins, one of Red Curtain's returning students. "I've auditioned and even been cast in shows, but then I'd back out because I was so afraid of being onstage. Through these classes, I've learned to stop focusing on those fears, to quiet the little negative voices."

The exercises go beyond acting skills, allowing participants to become comfortable when faced with public speaking or business presentation opportunities.

Two separate class sessions are offered this fall, beginning the week of Sept. 12. The Mechanics of Acting focuses on learning to use body language, vocal skills and breath control to communicate, while What's My Motivation encourages students to dig deep into the psyche of fictional characters, writers and themselves to help broaden emotional range and overcome barriers.

Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings, with locations in Everett and Snohomish. The one-time registration fee is $25, with class fees on a pay-what-you-can basis.

"In times of economic crisis, people need something to keep their spirits up, to unite them," said instructor Scott Randall of Tulalip. "The arts seem to thrive in times like this. For a relatively small cost, art offers huge rewards to individuals and to the communities in which they live."

Calkins, by the way, will tackle her first role in a full-length play when "Blithe Spirit" opens at the Historic Everett Theatre on Sept. 23.

For more information about class content, schedules and locations, visit or email [email protected].
