Fogdog gallery features jewelry artist

Published on Wed, Sep 21, 2011
Read More Arts & Entertainment

Fogdog gallery hosts an interesting event recycled sterling silver and handmade paper jewelry created by Seattle artist Tia Kramer on Friday, Sept. 30, from 6 to 8 p.m. The gallery is located at 318 N. Olympic Ave. in downtown Arlington.

Tia Kramer is an installation, sound and adornment artist who has been integrating handmade paper into her work for the last nine years. Her distinctive paper jewelry emerged as three-dimensional models for a commissioned permanent sculpture installed at Macalester College in 2003.

Tia is influenced by daily interactions with the environment and movement, and her adornments are sculptures for one's ears architecture for the body.

"I look closely at our everyday lives: telephone wires suspended amidst tall evergreens, negative space stretching between neighboring skyscrapers," explained Kramer. "Using cold-form fabrication, I build organic and geometric wire forms that pare down these environments to simple line modules. I then wrap translucent handmade paper around sections of each form, creating taut little kites of vibrant color."

Fogdog Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with after hours available by appointment. For additional information, visit
