Senior Daze

by Katie Bourg

About Katie: Having arrived in time for the Great (?) Depression, WWII, and all other 20th century problems, I am endowed with long and varied memories. Writing classes have long been my home away from home. Other people's stories are fascinating, and sharing is growth at its best. Hope you seniors will join me with your stories. Try it. You'll like it.

Time to move on with family's help

Published on Tue, Jul 27, 2010 by Katie Bourg

Read More Senior Daze

I've been a little preoccupied lately. Everything, including my well-loved computer, has either been hidden in boxes or unplugged and relocated. The statement 'everything' means me, too.

I'm now residing five miles from where I have been for some years. I am in a house: me, my son, the dog and a whole lot of boxes. The cat left. Went out an open window in the middle of the night and hasn't seen fit to come looking for his treats for over a week. I assume he's found a more generous fool. At least I hope so.

Our home in Gold Bar was everything we thought we wanted. I still miss it. But once age and illness caught up with us, it became too far from help. Seven years ago, we were forced into a mobile home park that was only three blocks from our capable and willing daughter, Betsy.

Two years later I found myself alone, and have remained where I was until recently.

It was reasonably satisfactory and I made many friends in the area. But the park became more of a stopover for RVs and is no longer as comfortable a place to live.

I've longed for my old home. Or any other. Two years ago I would have loved one just three doors from my daughter but could not afford it. The fast move we were forced to make left me with less than planned on. So I reconciled to living in the mobile until recently, when an opportunity opened up.

My son-in-law Kim talked me into a pleasant little place in Marysville. He knew who could arrange a reverse mortgage, which enabled me to be a homeowner again.

I have to say I have been blessed with great kids. I asked my son-in-law Roger, whom I knew to be quite capable, to check the place out. I couldn't afford any expensive problems. He did what I asked and more. He simply took over, cleaned up and repaired any and all faults.

Others conquered the overgrown yard and are still working on it. My grandson Alex has my computer running again. My sewing machine is in operation. New shelves are fast filling up and boxes being emptied. I can even walk through the living room and find my bed.

And Owen, the dog, has managed a dozen near-escapes, only to be brought back by different friendly neighbors. I've never lived in a neighborhood where I became acquainted so quickly.

Owen is on a permanent lease until the fence is repaired.

I'm still looking for the cat.

I think I'm going to like it here.

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