Senior Daze

by Katie Bourg

About Katie: Having arrived in time for the Great (?) Depression, WWII, and all other 20th century problems, I am endowed with long and varied memories. Writing classes have long been my home away from home. Other people's stories are fascinating, and sharing is growth at its best. Hope you seniors will join me with your stories. Try it. You'll like it.

New neighbors offer friendly welcome

Published on Wed, Aug 11, 2010 by Katie Bourg

Read More Senior Daze

When I moved into a trailer park about eight years ago, I did not get acquainted with anyone. We have moved much too quickly due to health issues, and were busy taking care of ourselves. It was the beginning of winter and not a time for wandering around in the rain, looking for other lost souls. The park was small, about half traveling RVs, and indifferent to newcomers. Most didn't last long anyway.

One neighbor showed interest in socializing, but she was elderly and in poor health. She was a good friend for a short time. I was very grateful for what she did share, and missed her when she was gone.

I found my way to the Stillaguamish Senior Center and quickly made friends there. I started stopping for coffee on Wednesdays at the Smokey Point Safeway, where I became acquainted with several nice women who were on their way home from their TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) club. I was invited to join and soon became involved with others.

Eventually, we changed habits and transferred to Nadine's for her famous cabbage patch soup.

It was through this group that I met Jo, the one neighbor in my park that I became close to. She lived four doors down from me, and it took three years to meet.

My recent move has been radically different. I think I've hit the jackpot. Owen, the dog, helped, but the neighborhood itself has a different feel. If I hadn't already felt this change, recent activities would have cinched it.

Tuesday, August 3, was the 2010 Night Out Against Crime. I had heard of this before, but knew very little about it. Last week a nice neighbor, whom I had not yet met, came to my door with a flyer and a personal invite to the celebration. It was to be a potluck with hot dogs and hamburgers furnished and prepared by the local homeowners' association. I thanked the lady, thought about it, and decided it would be nice to see who was living around me. I'm sure glad I did.

Village Green Association of Owners (VGAO) has been around for quite a few years. While not overactive, they function well. There is a small park between the homes, which they keep in good repair. They keep an eye on surrounding yards and work to keep the area looking good. There is respect for other people's property. Graffiti is not allowed, and is removed rapidly if it occurs. And every year they have a party in the middle of the street. It was a great party and the food was good too. (My next-day weigh-in at TOPS was not so good, but it's only once a year.)

I didn't get a count, but there were around forty people in attendance. Hunter Allen Loman was the youngest, at two weeks of age.

Debbie, who is a long-time board member, wished more had attended, but 40 people in a three-block area looked pretty good to me. She would like more, however, and is threatening to get a megaphone before the next party.

I'm not too good about collecting names, but hope to see them all again soon. And if I don't know their names yet, I do know their smiling faces. They made me feel right at home. And it feels good.

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