Preschoolers get immersed in art

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Published on Tue, Sep 21, 2010 by Beckye Randall

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Young children can benefit from fall arts programs offered by Village Theatre at the Everett Performing Arts Center, located at 2710 Wetmore Avenue in Everett.

Village Theatre KIDSTAGE's Preschool Arts Adventures is now registering for the fall session, which runs Sept. 28 through Dec. 16. This two-day-a-week program offers an enriching, creative learning environment that encourages preschoolers to embark on a journey of imagination and discovery.

"Arts Adventures uses an arts-based teaching structure and child-centered learning environment, where the emphasis is on the process, allowing children to think and solve problems creatively," explained Michelle Sanders, the theatre company's spokesperson. "The arts of dance, music, visual art, drama, and literature are natural disciplines that help children grow through experience and find joyful, positive, and varied ways to express themselves with confidence."

Professional instructors will guide students in the exploration and appreciation of the arts, with preschool social and academic skills integrated into the process.

Classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Tuition is $450, which includes the child's admission to select Pied Piper theatre productions. Students should be out of diapers and four years of age by April 2011.

A complete listing of KIDSTAGE classes available in Everett are listed on the Village Theatre website at

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