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When you’re making the transition from eating sugar and other items you crave to eating more of a whole foods based diet, it can be a shock to the system, and you have probably experienced some cravings. Sugar is all around us, everywhere we turn. So, to cut the habit of eating it and stop t…

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One of the hottest new trends in health is Intermittent Fasting (IF). You may have heard of it in more simple terms: skipping breakfast. Since IF has become popular, it begs the question, is this the healthiest way to eat? We have always been taught that breakfast is the most important meal …

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Gaining weight does not have to be synonymous with the holidays. Neither does feeling run down from too much sugar, junk food, or alcohol. You can still enjoy and indulge this season if you follow some of these healthy tips.

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Your metabolism is a tricky thing. Many people I meet tell me their metabolism is "slow" or "broken," which for many is true as years of poor yo-yo low-calorie dieting can cause muscle loss. When we lose muscle, then gain the weight back after the yo-yo diet is over, we only gain fat. Thus, …

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Do you know your health score? You probably track the common numbers like your weight and blood pressure, perhaps cholesterol, and maybe even your A1C score. But do you know your day-to-day numbers as they relate to hitting your health goals?

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“I’m too busy," “I don’t have time to cook," “I’m always on the go," “I only have time to grab food quick while I am on the run." We have heard it all and said it all. Eating healthier is everyone’s goal, that’s no question. But making time for it is another story. In order to set healthier …

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Here we goal again. It's resolution time, but wouldn't it be great if we had a better way to achieve our wellness goals? Rather than setting new resolutions every January, only to be frustrated when we start and stop and finally fizzle out, let's make this time stick by finding a buddy and b…

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Have you ever wondered about healthier personal items to pack in your purse, diaper bag or suitcase? It’s easy to add more natural items to the home, but taking them on the go is a little more difficult. Here are some things I keep in my purse as a Health Coach, as well as when I am traveling.

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You, like most of us, probably made a New Year’s Resolution back in January only to forget about it by now. Or worse yet, you haven’t forgotten, you are just frustrated each day you have not lost the weight, quit smoking or cut down on screen time.