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With the weather warming, albeit slower than many of us would like, and the change of season right around the corner, it is a time when many people think of spring cleaning and others of spring detox. The term “detox” has become very popular in recent years with hundreds of versions existin…

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It’s no secret that it’s flu and virus season, but there are many well-kept supplement secrets you can add to your routine to boost your immune system and help shield yourself from catching any bugs. This is the time of year to ramp up your supplement routine to make sure your immune system …

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New Year, new you? Perhaps, there’s even more emphasis on personal change with the dawn of a new decade. People often make New Year’s resolutions that strive for perfection and not allow themselves grace to make slow transitions. Achievement of lasting change should not be viewed from an all…

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Gaining weight does not have to be synonymous with the holidays. Neither does feeling run down from too much sugar, junk food, or alcohol. You can still enjoy and indulge this season if you follow some of these healthy tips.

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Fall is here and winter is right around the corner. This means football, pumpkins, hot cocoa and the holiday season. Unfortunately with the weather turning cold and rainy this also means the spread of respiratory infections is going to rise. It is time to bundle up to stay warm and health…

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Your metabolism is a tricky thing. Many people I meet tell me their metabolism is "slow" or "broken," which for many is true as years of poor yo-yo low-calorie dieting can cause muscle loss. When we lose muscle, then gain the weight back after the yo-yo diet is over, we only gain fat. Thus, …

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In the past month, nearly 400 people have been hospitalized and 6 people have died from a severe lung disease linked to the use of electronic cigarettes. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), those hospitalized experienced respiratory symptoms which included a dry, non-product…

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Do you ever feel like you don't have time for all the things you "should" do for your wellness and self-care? There are so many new trends, foods, and programs out there promising every result possible. Sometimes what we need is a shift in our mindset, and you probably have all the tools you…

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With the wonderful warmth of sunny summer days also come heat-related health conditions such as dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat rash especially for young children and elderly who are most at risk.

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Are your electrolytes in balance? As the hotter days draw near and we start to sweat more, we usually need to hydrate more. But did you know that sometimes plain water just doesn't cut it? If our electrolytes are out of whack, we need to restore them. First, we need to understand what the cr…

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This week marks the official start of summer. As the days grow warmer, it’s the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the weather. Enjoying the sunshine and the great outdoors is an important part of maintaining health and wellness. However, spending more time in the sun can increase risks f…

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Do you chronic symptoms of eczema, arthritis, headaches, irritable bowel disease, hyperactivity, constipation, diarrhea or flatulence? Perhaps you have fatigue, high blood pressure, muscle aches and pains, fibromyalgia, insomnia, chronic ear infections, or anxiety. Did you know that these …

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We live in a world of hustle-bustle with high demands and schedules always having us on the go. No wonder so many people are stressed and dealing with the negative physical, mental and emotional ramifications. I recently saw that April is National Stress Awareness Month in the UK and it in…

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“I’m too busy," “I don’t have time to cook," “I’m always on the go," “I only have time to grab food quick while I am on the run." We have heard it all and said it all. Eating healthier is everyone’s goal, that’s no question. But making time for it is another story. In order to set healthier …

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Arlington locals learned about how to reverse an opioid overdose with Narcan and how to administer the drug at a recent training put on by Snohomish County.

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Spring cleaning is an opportunity to declutter, organize, and bring new energy into the home. Traditionally, this act is literally physically cleaning; however, you can also take steps to improve your health while choosing less toxic options for your home. Detoxifying the home is something t…

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The Cascade Valley Health Foundation and local Hospital District hope to learn more about what local residents want for their own health and well-being.

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Many people trying to lose weight are looking at keto diets these days. Before you jump feet first into this new way of eating it’s important to know what keto is all about and if it’s a good idea for you to do.

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Locals who take care of their family members dealing with illness can find information about how to support themselves at the “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” program.

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This month we celebrated Valentine’s Day, and with it comes a marketing inundation of chocolates, flowers, wines and heart-shaped cards — all featured as symbols of love. During this month it’s also important to show some love to the human heart; February is American Heart Health Month. This…

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It’s a new year, and like everyone else, getting healthy is on the brain. One of the easiest ways to begin and continue to improve your health is to eat cleaner. It doesn’t need to be a complete overhaul or 180 of your current diet; small changes will go a long way when it comes to your health.

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As a new year begins many people view this time as an opportunity for fresh starts; a chance to refocus, to break bad habits and to make changes for the better. A common goal is to improve one’s health and specifically for many it is weight loss. How often, though, do those well intentioned …

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The holiday season is filled with sugary indulgences. A sweet treat can be a great way to celebrate the season, but over indulging in sugar can contribute to health problem like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. This month’s article is dedicated to healthy versions of desserts that can re…

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Community Health Center of Snohomish County (CHC) has achieved Patient-Centered Medical Home certification by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. Certification distinguishes this medical home from many other outpatient facilities by providing the highest quality of care…

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Have you ever found yourself in the protein powder aisle feeling confused? Or gone down the rabbit hole of the internet searching for the one that’s “right for you?” I did a quick search for protein powder and over 100 brands popped up on the home page. With all of that info out there, what …

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The holidays are a time to spend with family, make new memories or cherish old memories of those who are no longer with us. Lately, the memory of my grandfather has been on my mind. Ten years ago he died from Alzheimer's disease-related complications. It was a slow, progressive illness that …

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With Halloween around the corner comes scary costumes, jack-o’-lanterns and of course candy, so it is as important as ever to think about oral health. All those sugary treats can do damage to the teeth and gums. That is not to say that candy should be avoided entirely as trick-or-treating is…

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The American Cancer Society’s Making Strides of Snohomish County will help raise funds for local breast cancer patients and research into the disease.

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A chill settles into the nighttime air as summer draws to a close. With the transition into fall, kids return to school, and inevitably the cold and flu season nears. Colds and flus are viruses that spread easily from person to person. Therefore, it doesn’t take long for these viruses to spr…