A new local nonprofit organization hopes to start Arlington’s first local Pride month event this June.

Arlington WA Pride was formed November, 2021, by local LGBT+ residents with the goal of starting a Pride event in the community.

Many of the current board members met through classes put on by Snohomish County nonprofit groups like Stronger Together and Change the Narrative.

“When the Pride proclamation happened last year it got all our wheels turning about bringing a Pride event to Arlington,” said board member Erica Knapp.

They were also inspired by seeing other communities' events.

“When we went to Monroe Pride and got to see what a smaller community could put together we realized there is a need here in Arlington,” said board president Jami Gramore, who is a local non-binary resident.

They said that a lot of local youth have been looking for that kind of event.

“Especially for teenagers and younger folks who don’t really have a big organization here, when we told them about Pride they’re getting very excited about it,” said Jami Gramore.

The Pride month event is currently scheduled for June 4 and the planning process is underway right now.

It will be the same day as the Farmers Market and hosted in Legion Park in downtown Arlington.

There are plans for speakers and booths for education, history and info about local groups.

“Hopefully some performers and music, we’re still gathering participants,” said Jami Gramore.

The nonprofit organization plans to host other meet ups as well.

“We want to provide support, resources, community events so people can gather and feel supported,” said Jami Gramore.

At the end of January the group hosted a luminary walk that was attended by about 25 people.

Knapp said LGBT+ locals were glad to have events like that.

The group’s next small event is an online open mic and storytelling night they will host on Zoom.

That event is scheduled for Feb. 26 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

More information is available at their website at arlingtonwapride.org or their Facebook page at facebook.com/arlingtonwapride/.

The nonprofit organization is all volunteer run.

Allies are welcome to help and you do not have to be a member of the LGBT+ community to volunteer, said Knapp.

For more information about volunteering go to arlingtonwapride.org or email them at [email protected].

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Arlington, WA Pride is hosting a virtual Rainbow Bingo Event. Please join us on March, 19th at 4:00 PM Pacific for Bingo, Games, and Fun-Raising! We will have prizes for our Bingo winners.

ArlingtonWaPride.org is raising funds for Arlington's first Pride event. Please donate in the amount of your choice.

** Costumes are encouraged for this event. **

Visit our event page now! https://fb.me/e/4XUfREGsC

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