SF Candidates

Candidates for this year’s Strawberry Festival Royal Court, from left, Alexander Sin, Athena Edwards, Ziri Morales, Gabriella Samaniego, Denise Miranda-Ramirez, Amelia Belmont, Rachel Turral and William Nowoy.

Eight local students are vying to be a part of this year’s Strawberry Festival Royalty to welcome the annual festival back to Marysville this year.

Officials from Maryfest, the local nonprofit organization that manages the festival, are working with the students to name one king or queen, two princesses or princes and one alternate this year.

They plan to name the Royalty early in March.

Marysville Getchell High School junior Gabriella Samaniego is the first candidate.

“I’ve lived in Marysville my entire life and I always looked up to the older girls that were in the parades and I wanted to be that role model for younger kids,” she said.

She is part of the ASB leadership at her school and takes part in athletics like basketball and golf.

This year she is also the FBLA president. “I was just interested in learning more about the business world,” said Samaniego.

“We get to do really fun things and I’ve gotten really good experiences from it,” she added.

Lakewood High School senior Amelia Belmont is the second candidate.

A few years ago she served as Junior Royalty with the festival, which inspired her to apply this year.

“It was really nice just to meet other people and share what we do in our city,” she said.

She is part of the cheerleading team at her school and plans to continue cheer at Washington State University.

Her hobbies include crafts, painting and making jewelry.

“There are just so many different ways you can express yourself through painting,” she said.

Marysville Pilchuck High School junior Rachel Turral will be this year’s third candidate.

“I really wanted to be a part of it just to be a part of the community, help people out and volunteer,” said Turral.

She enjoys painting, reading and playing with her dog.

At her school she is involved in cross country, golf and cheer.

“Cross country builds your character and endurance and I love that, and I also love the people,” said Turral.

Through National Honor Society she volunteers with tutoring as well as helping homeless individuals

“There’s a lot of different fundraisers that I volunteer for,” she said.

Marysville Pilchuck High School senior William Nowoy is the fourth candidate.

“I’ve been looking for ways to better involve myself with my community,” said Nowoy, which is why he wanted to apply for this year’s Strawberry Festival Royalty.

Since a young age Nowoy said he has enjoyed aviation.

“I’m pursuing a four-year degree in an aviation field to become a pilot eventually,” he said

He also enjoys photography, taking pictures of Paine Field, nature, sunrises and sunsets.

“We have gorgeous mountain views here and I can take advantage of that of course,” said Nowoy.

Marysville Getchell High School junior Denise Miranda-Ramirez is the fifth candidate.

She said she loves that the festival brings people together.

“Growing up I haven’t really seen people of color be in the Strawberry Festival so I thought I could be that representation,” she said.

After graduation she hopes to work to become an immigration rights attorney.

“A lot of families struggle with not having papers and a lot of kids the same age as me struggle to go to college because of that,” she said.

Miranda-Ramirez also enjoys playing the ukulele, crocheting, and “adventuring on late night drives.”

Arlington High School junior Ziri Morales is the sixth candidate.

Previously, Morales was part of the Junior Royalty with the Strawberry Festival.

“It was a really great experience for me and I liked being able to give back to my community,” she said.

Since a young age she has been involved in volleyball.

“I’ve been playing since I was 9 so I’ve grown up with a lot of girls who have been my friends,” she said.

She enjoys hiking and camping with her family.

“I love the outdoors because it is very peaceful and nice,” she said.

Marysville Getchell High School junior Athena Edwards is the seventh candidate.

“My older sister was previously part of the Strawberry Royalty so I got to see her go to all these different communities for Marysville,” said Edwards.

“I wanted to represent my community in the same way,” she added.

Edwards enjoys art and painting.

“It’s always been something I did. I always like to create new things,” she said.

She also has fun helping to manage her school’s swim teams.

“I get to see a lot of my friends and meet new people that way,” said Edwards.

Marysville Getchell High School junior Alexander Sin is the final candidate for this year’s Strawberry Festival royalty.

“I want to be a part of the community and show how I can represent who we are,” he said.

Sin is a part of the district’s NJROTC program and said he enjoys being part of the drill team.

“I like the leadership I learn from there,” said Sin. “Being able to work as a team and go to different cities for competitions."

He is also a motorsports fan. “I like to see the intensity,” he said.

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