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(BPT) - With the enactment of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, millions of eligible individuals will receive a second Economic Impact Payment (EIP). The Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service) is distributing these payments on behalf of the I…

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(BPT) - You know it must be done, but you just don't want to. It's been on the to-do list for far too long. You may try to ignore it, dodge it or even cover it up. It's your mess nemesis — your least-favorite cleaning task — and you dread having to tackle it.

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(BPT) - With families spending more time than ever working, playing and studying at home, it’s a good time to review best safety practices when it comes to using and storing medicines. This is especially true during the cold and flu season — while the nation is also in the midst of the COVID…

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(BPT) - Looking for a stress-free and undeniably delicious snack for your family game night? Want to surprise a special person you haven’t seen in a while with a gift delivery? Or do you simply want to kick grandma’s recipes up a notch this year? The solution is simple: cheese. Not just any …

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(BPT) - As our country grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the threat of the pandemic will become more complicated by increasing cases of the flu, making more people ill and putting further strain on the U.S. health care system.

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(BPT) - Recent diet trends encourage balancing food sources for optimal health. If you’re following the Mediterranean, Keto or Paleo diets, you’re probably aware that lean meats like beef play a vital role as part of an overall healthy eating plan, balanced with plant-based foods like vegeta…

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(BPT) - It is important to assess your current health insurance coverage and review new insurance options to ensure that you have the coverage that fits your individual needs. However, there are myriad options and fragmented information in many places, not to mention that plan offerings can …

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(BPT) - Making it through a day, month and especially the busiest time of year, deserves a pat on the back these days. The new year brings a time to reset and look at new ways to put your wellness — and your family’s — front and center. Now, when focusing on your health and wellness is more …

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(BPT) - Many seniors and their loved ones are taking special precautions to stay healthy, including limiting or eliminating visits and other activities that can cause COVID-19 to spread. That's because the older you are, the higher your risk of severe illness from the coronavirus, according …

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(BPT) - It’s always a good idea to commit to improving your well-being or creating healthy habits in the new year, but if you approach your resolutions as something you want to do versus something you should do, you’re much more likely to follow through on your goals. So, why not rethink the…

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(BPT) - Joel made his living driving a semi-truck cross country. He loved the scenic beauty and the feel of 18 wheels of rubber as he traveled across the United States. Unfortunately, after four life-threatening medical emergencies while he was on the road, Joel knew his career as a truck dr…

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(BPT) - There are no two ways about it: 2020 was a lot to take in. We forged ahead and made amazing things happen in the face of enormous uncertainty, but it wasn’t an easy task. In 2021, everyone’s looking to grow their happiness and share it with others. It’s only natural, and fortunately …

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(BPT) - Do you ever notice how fulfilled you feel when you spend time with your pet? How your pet can inspire joy while also somehow helping you feel less stressed? Or maybe you are thinking of getting a pet hoping for companionship, affection and love? These and many more positives are the …

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(BPT) - According to a recent survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), 85% of U.S. adults do not get the recommended seven hours or more of sleep every night. After a challenging and stressful year, the New Year provides Americans with the opportunity to refocus on the impo…

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(BPT) - Heart-related deaths peak in December and January, including spikes on Christmas and New Year's Day. Some people ignore the signs and symptoms of a cardiac event, such as a heart attack, or they dismiss their chest pain or other symptoms as stress-related, heartburn or a result of ha…

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(BPT) - The worlds of fashion and interior design intersect in more ways than one. From thoughtful details to bold palettes and shapes, both disciplines play an important role in evoking personal style. In order to ensure home design demonstrates a bespoke sense of style that lasts, one must…

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(NewsUSA) - While the holiday season can be a busy and hectic time for many, it presents the perfect opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. But with the presence of COVID-19, holiday plans may look different this year as many families host virtual celebrations or small gatherings …

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(BPT) - January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, a great opportunity to spread the word about a disease that affects more than 3 million people in the United States. Since glaucoma often strikes without symptoms and can cause significant vision loss before a person notices changes in their eyesi…

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(BPT) - Sherry is a classic wine that's been around for hundreds of years, yet is recently receiving renewed interest among people of all ages and is being embraced in new and inventive ways. Sherry isn't just great for sipping — it has loads of potential as a cocktail ingredient and more, m…

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(BPT) - While spending more time at home, you’ve probably started noticing repairs you need to make. You may have even tackled a few home improvement projects. However, there are some improvements you might not consider, because they're hidden until they reach their breaking point — like you…

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(BPT) - The holiday season is upon us, and while it may look and feel a bit different from holidays past, there’s still just as much to do. Even if it’s mostly online, we’re busy searching for the perfect presents, decorations galore, favorite festive movies and so much more. And, as always,…

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(BPT) - Sixty-seven percent of U.S. households own a pet, or about 85 million families, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). This number is poised to increase because many households have added pets during the pandemic, helping aid in the physical and emotional well-bei…

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(BPT) - From tag-free boxer briefs and seamless bikinis to weightless cotton fabrics and moisture-wicking technology, there’s a go-to type of underwear for everyone. Influenced by notable pop culture moments and the evolving fashion industry, underwear styles have taken huge leaps throughout…

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(BPT) - Holiday decorations bring a smile to everyone’s face, and that is needed now more than ever. Crafting seasonal décor instead of shopping for it gives you and your family something to occupy your extra time at home and helps you avoid big crowds and shopping stress.

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(BPT) - One of the big challenges of this holiday season is figuring out how to get the right gift delivered on time. How are savvy holiday shoppers solving this problem? They’re sending digital gift cards.

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(BPT) - It’s no secret that the holidays look much different this year, but those changes may be even more noticeable for individuals who are at high-risk for COVID-19. No one knows this better than Dayna, a mother and caregiver to four children with a rare disease which has caused them to b…

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(BPT) - The holidays are approaching, and New Year’s resolutions are top of mind. For many, this means thinking about how to be smart with your money. Whether you’re shopping for loved ones, looking to start a new hobby or treating yourself to something special, a little purchase planning go…

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(BPT) - Almost a quarter of the population will develop a bunion, a bump at the base of the big toe, with symptoms that include pain, swelling, numbness and pressure.1 Although a bunion visually appears at the base of the toe, the root cause is actually located in the middle of the foot wher…

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(BPT) - Whether you’re preserving a treasured hand-me-down, caring for an expensive sweater or just trying to maintain that perfect pair of jeans, the right cleaning steps can keep your favorite clothing looking and feeling better.