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(BPT) - In a year like 2020, dreams can still come true, even for those with a critical illness. Just ask Colton, a young boy from South Carolina. After he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Colton found he loved taking pictures with his smartphone. He's been at the beach every day, taking ph…

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(BPT) - Once upon a time, if you said you owned a timeshare, you might get a side eye from a well-meaning friend who was concerned you caved to a hard sell for a vacation option. But times have changed, and a quiet revolution in the industry now shows that timeshares can be a savvy vacation …

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(NAPSI)—You can spread a little happiness during the holiday season, or anytime, by spreading a little hoppiness, and helping a tiny frog called the coquí.Contemplating Coquís Coquís are endemic to the nature-rich island of Puerto Rico and have been a cultural symbol there since the times of…

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(BPT) - Everyone’s lives have been upended this year, and with those changes have come new attitudes about how people everywhere live and work. More people working remotely and from home has led to a re-evaluation of lifestyles and future goals — at times shifting the focus to where people c…

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(BPT) - The pandemic changed our travel habits considerably, and forced us to reconsider how we get around safely. For example, the latest Hankook Tire Gauge Index found that three-quarters of Americans don’t feel comfortable taking public transportation because of the coronavirus pandemic, …

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(BPT) - After months of cautionary travel and shelving vacation plans, people, especially those with families at home, are researching how they can indulge their wanderlust safely again in 2021. The goal is to enjoy a vacation in a responsible manner, creating memories while keeping yourself…

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(BPT) - It is an indisputable fact that the COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot about our daily lives, including our relationships with our vehicles. While Hankook Tire’s latest Gauge Index found that 60% of Americans are driving every day, as opposed to only 19% in April 2020, many of our habit…

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(BPT) - In 2020, we’ve all endured conditions we never expected. And in the darkest moments of the journey, the glimmer of hope on the horizon has been a guiding light.

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(BPT) - Safety should be paramount on roads — not only for drivers, but for cyclists and pedestrians. One of the easiest ways to make sure everyone stays safe on the road is to have well-functioning headlights.

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(BPT) - From canceled plans and trips to work from home and beyond, you’ve likely had to sacrifice a lot in 2020. But while you’re staying at home and doing your best to be safe during a pandemic, there’s one thing you shouldn’t have to compromise on — high-quality wine. And if you’re a seas…

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(BPT) - The hotel industry has always been on the forefront of finding innovative ways to accommodate and take care of guests. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has led to canceled or rescheduled plans, many hotels are focused on developing long-term strategies to give their guests the safes…

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(BPT) - With the holiday season underway, why not enjoy it at the beach? As 2020 comes to a close, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, welcomes visitors with safe experiences, travel deals and amazing opportunities to create special memories. You can find plenty of safe entertainment options, thea…

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(BPT) - If you’ve ever wondered whether there are benefits to taking a vacation or traveling, there is good news. Research shows that vacations can help you live longer and improve your mental and physical health.

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(BPT) - Something old, something new, masks for guests and hand sanitizer, too — weddings during COVID-19 look different than those in the past. However, love is leading the way as couples are making thoughtful adjustments to their ceremonies to reflect their personalities and commitment to …


(BPT) - Perhaps there's no better place to experience the majesty of winter than on a mountain surrounded by the stunning beauty of Mother Nature. Whether you're seeking some fresh powder to ski or snowboard, prefer to snowshoe or go cross-country amid the evergreens, or simply like cozying …

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(BPT) - Bad driving habits aren’t just obnoxious, they’re also dangerous — motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death in the U.S., with more than 38,000 people having lost their lives and nearly 4.4 million injured in collisions in 2019, according to the National Safety Council.

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(StatePoint) It’s almost never too cold to head outdoors when you’re well-prepared. On your next cool-weather hike or camping trip, keep these considerations in mind for a safe and comfortable experience:


(BPT) - Americans are ready to travel this holiday season. Airline bookings are up and a recent survey shows 74% of people plan to fly during the December holidays. Whether you're planning a Caribbean or Mexican getaway for the holidays, or looking forward to a cruise since the ‘no sail’ ban…

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(BPT) - COVID-19 has changed the way we travel. When the pandemic began, many people put vacations on hold, shelving their wanderlust. As the pandemic continues, people are starting to travel again, but in different ways that prioritize health and wellness. This has led to some interesting t…

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(StatePoint) The new normal and natural disasters are dominating the headlines. At the same time, consumers have embraced socially distant adventure travel. Whatever your reasons for wanting to be prepared, easy to carry, functional gear will prepare you for what’s to come. Here’s how:

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(BPT) - From the moment your child is born, you do everything in your power to keep them safe. Most parents and caregivers know the importance of car seats for protecting children, but it’s also important to make sure you are choosing and using them correctly. Free online resources can help.

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(BPT) - The COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable, unavoidable impact on the world — from the way you conduct business, to how you shop for groceries. It may have even shifted your idea of what is important in life.

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(BPT) - For many of us, art can still feel out of reach. We think of paintings hanging in a museum, chosen by curators and viewed at a price, or private art collectors in possession of influential pieces never seen by the wider public.

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(BPT) - Due to the coronavirus’ impact on our daily routines, we’re juggling more than ever. From complex school schedules, to working and living in the same place — it can be difficult to control what’s on our plates.

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(BPT) - As the nation navigates a safe and socially distant return to work and travel, states are loosening restrictions on stay-at-home orders. As your car may have been relatively idle over the last few months, the following tips can help ensure your vehicle is ready when you are.

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(BPT) - Car maintenance is often a scheduled chore when you’re regularly driving. However, if you’re driving less due to the current environment, maintenance can easily become a lesser priority or even completely forgotten. Hankook Tire’s latest Gauge Index found that as daily driving decrea…

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(BPT) - According to the CDC, traveling safely during a global pandemic comes down to two basic things: avoiding close contact with strangers and following a few common-sense precautions.

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(StatePoint) Hitting the trail for a hike is good for the mind and body. Fortunately, there are still plenty of opportunities to get out and do so this fall. As you plan your next outdoor adventure, consider supporting your journey with the following tech tools and gear:

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(BPT) - Spending more time at home can be a great opportunity to find new avenues for expanding your horizons and learning more about the world — and beyond. Fortunately, there are plenty of enjoyable ways that you can explore different regions, cultures and even time periods from the comfor…

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(BPT) - If you’re gearing up for a fall getaway or looking to use some of your remaining vacation days this year, Florida has plenty of family-friendly, affordable options for you to consider. These six Florida destinations should be at the top of your list, since they’re known for their ama…

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(BPT) - It may be a while before you can see the sights in France or climb Mount Fuji in Japan. But even if your bucket list is dominated by world travel and adventure, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on it altogether. Instead, think outside the box, or the bucket in this case. You may…


(StatePoint) After months spent indoors at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s clear that many people are itching to get back out there and take a vacation. This is with good reason. Staying isolated for too long can take a substantial toll on one’s mental health and well-being, accor…