Wed, Feb 10, 2010 


Fact or fiction? Robot's history is mingled with ours

Review: "Boilerplate: History's Mechanical Marvel"

Wed, Jan 27, 2010 


Concert to aid Haiti relief efforts

All proceeds from the January 29 show will be donated to the American Red Cross.

Comedies take on the afterlife and the undead

Reviews: "The Invention of Lying" and "Zombieland"

Everett Symphony presents "American Idols"

The Great Masters Classical Concert features clarinetist Sean Osborn.

Author talks about "Edgarville"

The award-winning author will make an appearance at Bookworks Jan. 30.

Arts Bulletin Board

Tue, Jan 12, 2010 


Folk music on tap for the January 15 Hootenanny

The monthly music show offers Folklore and Tall Tales at the Everett Theatre.

Pseudo-memoir offers "aha" moments for all women

Review: "Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog"

Local rockers ready to break loose

Check out FTWLOY at a January 23 show at the Mirkwood & Shire Café in Arlington.

Singing, dancing nuns in Arlington

"Nunsense" is at the Byrnes Center for one show only.

Films about war very different in tone, approach

Reviews: "In the Loop," "The Hurt Locker"

Tue, Dec 15, 2009 


Arts Council awards fishy prizes

Winners of "Best in Show" for arts council project were announced during Arlington's Hometown Holidays celebration.

Sing "Hallelujah" with the symphony

Spend winter break creatively

KIDSTAGE offers special classes for students during the holidays.

Outstanding films with unusual titles now available on DVD

Reviews: "Inglourious Basterds" and "(500) Days of Summer"

Seasonal books to lift the spirit

Reviews of three must-have Christmas picture books.

Wed, Dec 2, 2009 


A country twist on Christmas

The December 18 Hometown Hootenanny features traditional and modern country holiday classic music.

Pig and spider spin a children's holiday tale

"Charlotte's Web" is presented December 12 at 2 and 4 p.m. in Everett.

Complex story reveals itself slowly

Review: "The Promised World"

Robin Williams delivers, but Depp is on a sinking ship

Reviews: "World's Greatest Dad," "Public Enemies"

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