Wed, Mar 24, 2010 


Two very different movies worth the rental

Reviews: "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" and "An Education"

Wild west captured in fascinating account

Review: "To Hell on a Fast Horse"

Arts Briefs

Apply for arts grants by April 19

Funding available for arts and culture organizations through the Greater Everett Community Foundation.

Wed, Mar 10, 2010 


Savoyards turn up visual interest with lavish sets, costumes, makeup

The Mikado plays out on a stunning set designed by artist Joy Bezanis.

Get ready for rock - with a country twang

The March 26 Hometown Hootenanny goes Rockabilly.

Irish tale entertains and educates

Review: "An Irish Country Girl"

Poignant 'Lost in Yonkers' a departure for Neil Simon

Tony Award winner Brian Yorkey directs the Neil Simon drama at the Village Theatre.

Independent bookstore to close its doors

The BookWorks in downtown Marysville was the culmination of a dream for owner Mary Burns, but it has fallen victim to the economy.

Arts Briefs

Time to compare: It's the Bob Awards

Bob's picks for the 2009 movie year.

Wed, Feb 24, 2010 


Gallery features award-winning works by student artists

Several local students will compete nationally in the Scholastic Art Awards program.

Award nominations, in one movie fan's opinion

Presenting the Bob Awards nominations for the 2009 movie year.

Novel erupts with suspense

Review: "Tenderfoot"

Art at the Arlington Library

Musical 'Mikado' opens March 5

The Northwest Savoyards' production of this Gilbert & Sullivan favorite runs through March 21 at the Historic Everett Theatre.

Wed, Feb 10, 2010 


Bluegrass music comes indoors in February

The Feb. 19 Hometown Hootenanny features the exciting bluegrass quartet Northern Departure.

Everett Symphony builds leadership advisory board

The troubled organization, which recently cancelled the remainder of the current concert season, is seeking outside leadership for help.

Three movies that are worth the rental price

Reviews: "A Serious Man," "Moon" and "Black Dynamite"

Students shine in "Children of Eden" at Village

Village Theatre KIDSTAGE TeenSelect produces "Children of Eden" February 12-21 at Everett Performing Arts Center in downtown Everett.

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